
Filings - 2024

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

Posting Date
IMM Reply Comments re IMM CRF Offer of Settlement Docket No. EL21-91-003, and ER21-1635-010 (PDF)   10.21.2024
IMM Comments re JCA EE Complaint Docket No. EL24-118 (PDF)   10.18.2024
IMM Answer to PJM re Schedule Selection Docket No. ER24-2905 (PDF)   10.16.2024
IMM Answer and Motion for Leave to Answer re EE Resources in the Capacity Market Docket No. ER24-2995 (PDF)   10.14.2024
IMM Comments re Sierra Club Complaint Docket No. EL24-148 (PDF)   10.10.2024
IMM Comments re Transco Temporary Certificate Docket No. CP21-94-004 (PDF)   10.08.2024
IMM Comments re Modifications to PJM OATT Attachment H Docket Nos. ER24-2888, et al (PDF)   10.02.2024
IMM Partial Offer of Settlement re EE Payments Complaint Docket No. EL24-113 (PDF)   09.30.2024
IMM Comments re EE Resources in the Capacity Market Docket No. ER24-2995 (PDF)   09.27.2024
IMM Comments re Schedule Selection Docket No. ER24-2905 (PDF)   09.18.2024
IMM Motion to Deem Comments Opposing Settlement Timely re CRF Docket No. ER21-91-000, -003 (PDF)   09.16.2024
IMM Rebuttal Testimony re CRF Docket No. EL21-91-000,-003 (PDF)   09.12.2024
IMM Offer of Settlement re CRF Docket No. EL21-91-000, -003 (PDF)   09.10.2024
IMM Comments re Algonquin Section 203 Filing Docket No. EC24-111 (PDF)   09.03.2024
IMM Opposition to Second Offer of Settlement re CRF Docket No. EL21-91-003 (PDF)   09.03.2024
IMM Answer to Answer re CRF Docket No. EL21-91-003 (PDF)   08.29.2024
IMM Answer to Motion to Suspend re CRF Docket No. EL21-91 (PDF)   08.23.2024
IMM Answer to Motion to Waive Initial Decision re CRF Docket No. EL21-91 (PDF)   08.23.2024
IMM Answer and Motion for Leave to Answer re CPower EE Complaint Docket No. EL24-128 (PDF)   08.20.2024
IMM Answer and Motion for Leave to Answer and Motion for Summary Disposition re EE Docket No. EL24-126 (PDF)   08.15.2024
IMM Answer and Motion for Leave to Answer re IMM Complaint EE Suppliers Docket No. EL24-113 (PDF)   08.06.2024
IMM Reply to FERC re LC Committee Complaint USCADC Case No. 24-1164 (PDF)   07.15.2024
IMM Answer to Protests re Susquehanna Nuclear ISA Docket No. ER24-2172 (PDF)   07.10.2024
IMM Comments re JCA EE Complaint Docket No. EL24-118 (PDF)   07.10.2024
IMM Complaint re EE Payment Docket No. EL24-xxx (PDF)   07.10.2024
IMM Reply Comments re Reactive Compensation NOPR Docket No. RM22-2 (PDF)   06.26.2024
IMM Answer re Elgin Waiver Request Docket No. ER24-2173 (PDF)   06.25.2024
IMM Answer re Elwood Waiver Request Docket No. ER24-2176 (PDF)   06.25.2024
IMM Answer re LS Power OCC Complaint Docket No. EL24-91 (PDF)   06.20.2024
IMM Answer re IMM Complaint EE Suppliers Docket No. EL24-113 (PDF)   06.14.2024
IMM Comments re Rockland Section 203 Filing Docket No. EC24-79 (PDF)   06.10.2024
IMM REV Direct Testimony and Exhibits re PJM CRF Docket No. EL21-91-000, -003 (PDF)   06.10.2024
IMM-0017 REV Att. to Staff-IMM DR 1-1 Response (9.15.2023) re PJM CRF Docket No. EL21-91-000, -003 (XLSX)   06.10.2024
IMM-0018 Att. to Staff-IMM DR 1-3 Response (9.15.2023) re PJM CRF Docket No. EL21-91-000, -003 (XLSX)   06.10.2024
IMM-0020 Att. to Staff-PJM Resp. 1-2 (XLS)   06.10.2024
IMM Answer to PJM Answer re Regulation Market Redesign Docket No. ER24-1772 (XLSX)   06.07.2024
IMM Complaint re Indicated EE Sellers Docket No. EL24-113 (PDF)   05.31.2024
IMM Petition for Review re LC Complaint United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit Case No. 24-xxx (PDF)   05.29.2024
IMM Comments re Reactive Power Compensation NOPR Docket No. RM22-2 (PDF)   05.28.2024
IMM Answer to ArcLight/Lordstown re Section 203 Filing Docket No. EC24-57 - Public (PDF)   05.22.2024
IMM Comments in Opposition to Offer of Settlement re Newark Energy Center Reactive Docket No. ER24-1927, et al (PDF)   05.22.2024
IMM Answer to Answer re LS Power OCC Complaint Docket No. EL24-91 - PUBLIC (PDF)   05.21.2024
IMM Protest re Brandon Shores and H.A. Wagner Part V Filings Docket Nos. ER24-1787 and ER24-1790 (PDF)   05.16.2024
IMM Answer and Motion for Leave to Answer re Indian River 4 RMR Docket No. ER22-1539 (PDF)   05.13.2024
IMM Comments in Opp to Offer of Settlement re Stony Creek Wind Reactive Docket No. ER23-2595 and EL23-98 (PDF)   05.09.2024
IMM Protest re PJM Regulation Market Redesign Docket No. ER24-1772 (PDF)   05.07.2024
IMM Answer to Motion re PJM CRF Docket No. ER21-1635 and EL21-91-003 (PDF)   05.03.2024
IMM Answer to Motion for Extension re Reactive Compensation NOPR Docket No. RM22-2 (PDF)   05.01.2024
IMM Answer re H.A. Wagner and Brandon Shores RMR Docket No. ER24-1787 and ER24-1790 (PDF)   04.26.2024
IMM Comments re Arclight/Lordstown Section 203 Filing Docket No. EC24-57 – Public – Corrected (PDF)   04.26.2024
IMM Reply Comments re 203 Blanket Authorizations for Investment Companies NOI Docket No. AD24-6 (PDF)   04.25.2024
IMM Answer to PJM Answer re Energy Market Offers Docket No. ER24-1387 (PDF)   04.23.2024
IMM Comments in Opposition to Offer of Settlement re NRG IR4 Docket Nos. ER22-1539-002 and ER23-2688-002 (PDF)   04.22.2024
IMM Answer re LS Power OCC Complaint Docket No. EL24-91 - PUBLIC (PDF)   04.19.2024
Motion to Permit Interlocutory Appeal of the Independent Market Monitor for PJM re CRF Docket No. EL21-91 and ER21-1635 (PDF)   04.01.2024
IMM Request for Rehearing re IMM LC Complaint Docket No. EL23-50 (PDF)   03.29.2024
IMM Motion for Interlocutory Appeal re CRF Docket Nos. EL21-91 and ER21-1635 (PDF)   03.28.2024
IMM Protest re PJM Energy Market Offers Revisions Docket No. ER24-1387 (PDF)   03.25.2024
IMM Answer Supporting PJM Answer re Lackawanna Energy Center LOC Complaint Docket No. EL24-64 (PDF)   03.11.2024
IMM Comments in Opposition to Offer of Settlement re Guernsey Power Reactive Docket No. ER23-1760-000, -002 (PDF)   03.08.2024
IMM Request for Rehearing re PJM CIFP Docket No. ER24-99-000, -001 (PDF)   02.29.2024
Comments in Opposition to Offer of Settlement of the Independent Market Monitor for PJM re CRF Investigation Docket No. EL21-91-000, -003 (PDF)   02.20.2024
IMM Direct Testimony and Exhibits re Flemington Solar Reactive Docket Nos. EL23-32, et al (PDF)   02.14.2024
IMM Comments re Hunterstown 203 Filing Docket No. EC24-42 (PDF)   02.06.2024
IMM Comments re FTR Bilateral Reform Docket No. ER24-374-001 (PDF)   02.06.2024
IMM Comments in Opposition to Offer of Settlement re Big Plain Solar Reactive Docket Nos. EL23-78 and ER23-1736 (PDF)   01.29.2024
IMM Motion for Rejection re Big Plain Solar Reactive Docket No. EL23-78 and ER23-1736 (PDF)   01.29.2024
IMM Answer and Motion for Leave to Answer re PJM MSOC Docket No. ER24-98 (PDF)   01.25.2024
IMM Answer to PJM Def Answer re PJM CIFP Docket No. ER24-99 (PDF)   01.24.2024
IMM Answer and Motion for Leave to Answer to EKPC re Peak Market Activity Credit Requirements Docket No. ER24-461 (PDF)   01.19.2024
IMM Answer and Motion for Leave to Answer re PJM MSOC Docket No. ER24-98 (PDF)   01.16.2024
IMM Answer to PJM Answer re PJM CIFP Docket No. ER24-99 (PDF)   01.12.2024
IMM Comments in Opposition to Offer of Settlement re Skipjack Solar Reactive Docket No. ER22-2048-004 (PDF)   01.09.2024
IMM Answer to PJM Answer re Peak Market Activity Credit Requirements Docket No. ER24-461 (PDF)   01.08.2024